Dear South Point Baptist Church Family,

Our staff met to discuss the recent, encouraging announcement that many COVID mandates have now been dropped in our area.  This marks a significant and positive shift in our country and community since the beginning of the pandemic!

As soon as the announcement was made by the CDC and local government, many questions surfaced as it relates to how we would respond as a church and within our various ministries. We want to take a moment to share our hearts and inform you regarding what to expect when worshipping or serving with us.

Throughout this pandemic we have sought, through prayer and joint discussion, to display compliance with the law of the land in order to ultimately display our love for people. We adhered to the CDC recommendations in a spirit of love and common good of others.  The Lord has allowed us to continue to spread His Word and gather in worship one way or another and we are so thankful to God for His provision and blessing!

Considering the CDC recommendations, we will no longer expect masks to be worn by those attending or serving in Worship, Sunday school, Student Gathering, AWANA, VBS, or Preschool.  Also, we will no longer check temperatures upon entering our buildings.  However, temperature checks will still be a part of entering our preschool hall considering this is a healthy practice regardless of COVID.

Some of our church family and some who will be our guests, have become accustomed to wearing a mask and socially distancing.  We acknowledge and understand that there are those with legitimate reasons for wearing masks. Our hope is that those attending our services or programs that need to or want to wear masks understand that they are certainly free to do so. Therefore, we will continue to have disposable masks available.  Also, those who prefer to continue socially distancing should know there is plenty of room available to do so.  We will also continue to provide hand sanitization and awareness of good health practices such as frequent hand washing and staying home when sick.

Again, we are encouraged by God’s faithfulness to us throughout this pandemic and we will continue to seek the Lord and update you with any changes to our plan.  For now, let’s continue to gather in a spirit of love and understanding of others, with the peace of God guarding our hearts and minds through this next transition step out of the pandemic.

In Christ,

South Point Baptist Church Staff

    Worship | 8:30a & 10:45a
Bible Study | 9:45a

(704) 825-9516   124 Horsley Ave, Belmont, NC 28012