Our World


We are blessed with the opportunity to send church members to Nicaragua for the purpose of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to partner with the people to provide for their needs and equip their leaders to continue the spread of God's Word. We support Pastor Luis and his ministry in the village of Diriamba.

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We are passionate in our mission of sending missionaries to the country of Haiti to provide relief efforts for its citizens. In the act of meeting their earthly needs, we seek to care for their spiritual needs as well through actively sharing the Gospel.  We are active supporters of Pastor Rene Romil and his ministry in the town of Arcahaie. Check out the video to the right to see some of the work we have done through God's blessings.


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The Easter offering for the North American Mission Board supports the work of thousands of missionaries on our continent who are sharing the Gospel, discipling new believers, and planting churches in unreached areas. 100% of this offering goes to ensuring the success of these missionaries.

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Every Christmas, our church family takes the opportunity to reach people from every tribe and nation with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. 100% of the donations goes to the International Mission Board in order to partner with missionary teams who are evangelizing, discipling, planting and multiplying healthy churches, and training leaders all over the world.

    Worship | 8:30a & 10:45a
Bible Study | 9:45a

(704) 825-9516   124 Horsley Ave, Belmont, NC 28012